Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The Weigh In: "Martin" or "The Fresh Prince of Bel Air" Which Was The Better Show and Why!?

Okay..It's time to seperate the "Bad Boys" for a moment and let us know which show you thought was better! "Martin" or "The Fresh Prince" and Please Comment Why!!


Unknown said...

WOW.. Lets see... i'm gonna say Fresh Prince. why? well, Martin was great but overtime the show fell off when he and Tisha was goin thru their situation behind the scenes. She ultimately left the show only to later return with crazy restrictions that kept them apart on camera. Basically, the chemistry between, Gina and Martin which made the show phenomenal; was no longer present. That of which completely threw the show off balance, and everyone basically stopped watchin.. atleast I did.

meanwhile fresh prince was going strong still. i watched it all the way to the end. It stayed funny, diverse and creative. not to mention fresh prince always had better substance. messages and all... Martin always lacked that.

Martin was funny... But Thats it!!! no real Direction...

Certainly no Growth!!!

at least on Fresh Prince the characters Matured right?!?

not Dissin' martin but lets be real!?....

Now that I think of it... was the show Really That "GOOD" to begin with?

IT was cool for the time period, we laughed... it was New and Improved sitcom Comedy... Then!!!!

But Fresh Prince Episodes... pound for pound...week for week.. was far more consistent in terms of Longevity...

Straight Up!!!


Tarana Peaches said...

Hands down Fresh Prince of BelAir. Of course Martin is funny, and the cast (especially Pam) was great as well. But seriously, Fresh Prince was consistently hilarious and then some. It took the best of The Cosby Show and Martin and went above and beyond both. I laughed till my face hurt, and till this day if it's on, I'm dropping everything to watch it. Matter of fact, tell me it's on right now and I'll stop typing to go and watch it.

But most importantly, I laughed and learned. I didn't even realize how much I learned until years later. And the lessons were empowering. Any show that can teach and still be so comedic is my type of show.

LaLa said...

I think that Martin would be my choice I loved the fact that Martin captured serious and funny situations and also he was able to bring several different characters to life, My favorite was Jerome and Dragon fly Jones lol I would laugh till I cried and laughing is good for the soul.

Anonymous said...

Martin all the way i love the different characters as well the funniest tv show ever i really love when he be dissing pam lol classic

Unknown said...

Honestly I'll say Fresh Prince of Bel Air because it's honestly more popular than Martin. I haven't met anyone who hasn't heard the Fresh Prince of Bel Air song. I mean watch the Teens React to 90s Sitcoms video on youtube. Only one person knew which show it was and the two black boys didn't even know the show.https://youtu.be/s1Se-Bmw3rE

Not only that but Fresh Prince touched basis with really sensitive subjects like drug use, racial profiling, gun violence and even child abandonment. Martin never introduced really sensitive subjects like that and even when it did, it was only just a joke about it. Like when Martin figured out that the boy he thought was his son wasn't his son at all. When Martin figured that out, the first thing he mentioned is that he spent all of his money on him.

Fresh Prince is just hands down a better show. It's funnier, it's extremely popular and last but not least there was always a lesson to be learned from every episode whether it was serious or not.

Unknown said...

Honestly I'll say Fresh Prince of Bel Air because it's honestly more popular than Martin. I haven't met anyone who hasn't heard the Fresh Prince of Bel Air song. I mean watch the Teens React to 90s Sitcoms video on youtube. Only one person knew which show it was and the two black boys didn't even know the show.https://youtu.be/s1Se-Bmw3rE

Not only that but Fresh Prince touched basis with really sensitive subjects like drug use, racial profiling, gun violence and even child abandonment. Martin never introduced really sensitive subjects like that and even when it did, it was only just a joke about it. Like when Martin figured out that the boy he thought was his son wasn't his son at all. When Martin figured that out, the first thing he mentioned is that he spent all of his money on him.

Fresh Prince is just hands down a better show. It's funnier, it's extremely popular and last but not least there was always a lesson to be learned from every episode whether it was serious or not.

Unknown said...

Martin was Funny But Fresh prince was a classic

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